jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

Vlad Tepes ..discografia

Aqui les dejo esta grandisima banda francesa de True Black Metal....disfrutenla

1993 - Rehearsal Winter '93 [Demo]

Track List:

1 - Frozen Dead's Kingdom
2 - Under the Carpathian Yoke
3 - In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
4 - Massacre Song from the Devastated Lands


1994 - Celtic Poetry

Track List:

1 - Drink the Poetry of the Celtic Disciple
2 - Under the Carpathian Yoke
3 - Diabolical Reaps
4 - Misery Fear And Storm Hunger


1994 - Return OF The Unweeping Moon

Track List:

1 - Frozen Dead's Kingdom
2 - Under the Carpathian Yoke
3 - In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
4 - Massacre Song from the Devastated Lands


1994 - War Funeral March

Track List:

1 - War Funeral March In The Grey Mist Of A Fullmoon Night
2 - From The Celtic Moonfrost
3 - Walachian Tyrant
4 - Returning To My Old Battlegrounds
5 - Frozen Dead's Kingdom


1995 - Brouillons I

Track List:

1 - Untitled
2 - Untitled
3 - Untitled
4 - Untitled
5 - Untitled
6 - Untitled


1995 - Into Frosty Madness

Track List:

1 - Wladimir's March
2 - War Funeral March
3 - Walachian Tyrant
4 - Dans Notre Chûte
5 - Returning to My Old Battlegrounds
6 - From the Celtic Moonfrost
7 - Bestial Lust (Bathory Cover)


1995 - March of The Black Holocaust (Split)

Track List:

Vlad Tepes
1 - Wladimir's March
2 - Massacre Song from the Devastated Lands
3 - In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
4 - Drink the Poetry of the Celtic Disciple
5 - Dans Notre Chute
6 - Misery Fear & Storm Hunger
7 - Diabolical Reaps
8 - Under the Carpathian Yoke

9 - Guilty
10 - A Day Will Dawn
11 - Hate
12 - Last Sigh of God
13 - Night of Sadness
14 - Despair
15 - Those of Our Blood
16 - If We Had...


1995 - Brouillons II

Track List:

1 - Raven's Hike
2 - Abyssic and Funeral Symphony (An Ode to Our Ruin)
3 - In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
4 - Tepes - The Unweeping


1996 - Black Legions Metal

Track List:

1 - March of the Black Assemblies
2 - Sweet Death
3 - Flame of Hate
4 - My Soul for Your Victory
5 - Bloody Tears
6 - Time of Sabbath

Vlad Tepes
7 - Raven's Hike
8 - Abyssic and Funeral Symphony - An Ode to Our Ruin
9 - In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
10 - Warmoon Lord
11 - Tepes - The Unweeping


1996 - Dans Notre Chute

Track List:

1 - Raven's Hike
2 - Abyssic and Funeral Symphony
3 - In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
4 - Tepes - The Unweeping
5 - Nos Terribles Pensees
6 - Our Soul's Worries


1997 - La Morte Lune

Track List:

1 - Warmoon Lord
2 - The Dark War
3 - The Massacre Song
4 - Morte Lune
5 - L'Envol Du Corbeau
6 - I Died From a Vampyric Grief
7 - Meurtres...
8 - Morgensterne


1998 - The Black Legions

Track List:

1 - Desecrate Jesus Name (Mütiilation cover)
2 - The Dark Promise (Belketre cover)
3 - Under Ardailles Night (Mütiilation cover)
4 - Twilight of the Black Holocaust (Belketre cover)
5 - Transylvania (Mütiilation cover)
6 - Varmer Uats Verntapre (Brenoritvrezorkre cover)


1 comentarios:

Marcos dijo...

Capo no anda ningún enlace.....no pude bajar nada!!! Ojala puedas arreglar esto fría genial!!! Gracias!!!

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